
Monday, May 30, 2011

couple kissing wallpapers

couple kissing wallpapers. Kissing Couples
  • Kissing Couples

  • Kilamite
    Apr 15, 12:30 PM
    I call BS on this, Johnnie Ive wouldn't make a non rounded design like that, the lines are too harsh.

    Almost looks like the unibody MacBook Pro's.. I wouldn't put it out. Look's relatively cool and looks sturdy too.

    couple kissing wallpapers. Lovers Kissing Wallpapers.
  • Lovers Kissing Wallpapers.

  • steviem
    Apr 27, 07:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Really? That doesn't matter? Well then why don't we have men compete in all the women's events at the Olympics? Oh wait, it does matter

    I'm not defending the attackers. I think it was terrible. Horrifying video. It's hard to believe people are like this.

    I do think this whole "biology doesn't matter, it's how you feel in your heart" nonsense is obviously nonsense.

    He has every right to dress like a girl. I don't even mind if he uses a female bathoom. But those things don't make someone female. The characteristics that allow doctors to assign genders to new-borns do not change as people get older.

    Did you watch the video, the person is tiny and doesn't look physically able to stand up against the two girls.

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  • arms couple kiss silhouette

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 16, 03:50 PM
    Why does it matter that he was gay? I thought that gay people where supposed to be the same as everyone else. Did his being gay give him some sort of super powers to break codes?

    No, he was blessed by Mother Nature, and he obviously also had an analytical mind. :p

    couple kissing wallpapers. couple kissing wallpapers.
  • couple kissing wallpapers.

  • utgerger
    Jan 11, 11:33 AM
    speculations are great .. but here's the big 'BOOM' next Tuesday.. :D

    In the second hour of Steve's keynote.. he'll introduce this.. :)

    Macbooks get a little facelift along wtih LED.. everything else remains the same.. priced a little more competitively..

    Macbook Pro.. facelift along with performance upgrades.. I don't have more details..

    What's missing is performance and portability at affordable pricing.. here's the newest addition..

    - <0.8 Inch
    - ~3.5 pounds including 6 hr - 8 hr battery
    - 13.3 LED
    - Aluminum casing .. some iPhone design features.. black is in..
    - Santa Rosa Chipset 2.0/2.2
    - 120/250 GB HD


    couple kissing wallpapers. Love Kiss Wallpaper - Cartoons
  • Love Kiss Wallpaper - Cartoons

  • T-Will
    Apr 5, 04:07 PM
    The iAd Gallery is a celebration of advertising, featuring iAd campaigns from some of the world's best brands and their advertising agencies. The iAd Gallery gives you easy access to a selection of the fun and informative ads that have run in some of your favorite apps. Use the Browse feature to discover ads you haven't seen, or to find those you want to see again. Even lets you tag your favorites to a Loved section that�s all your own.


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  • cartoon couple kissing

  • extraextra
    Nov 23, 04:16 PM
    $11, oh wow! :eek:

    Every penny counts though, right? ;)


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  • couple kissing wallpapers.

  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 11:28 PM
    Fwiw, i do hold the flawed story against it. How can i be invested in a game that pretends one man can launch a missile just by strolling into a sub and asking kindly? Even games like Ratchet and Clank have stories that make sense (in context, of course), but MW2 was just too far for me to care about it.

    Just as long as it doesn't make me go, " Oh come on! That is just plain ridiculous", I don't mind some illogical events because it is a game. MW2 didn't do that so I give the storyline a B+. Black Ops is a C.

    IMHO of course. :)

    couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing
  • cartoon couple kissing

  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 06:48 PM
    Sorry to break it to you but a device that records my location and saves that for reporting back, or for someone else to read is a serious breach of my privacy. As I stated, the police were fully aware of this, making this privacy breach more big brother like then anything else.

    If anyone else were doing this, you'd be crying foul so fast but because its your beloved apple, they get a pass for recording your locations :confused:


    My locations aren't a secret. I can be photographed, recorded on video, and SEEN by everyday people.

    You want privacy? Stay the **** home. There's your privacy. You have a lease, you own property, you have an address, you're on the grid. You can be found very, very easily. Especially by your creditors. Do you know that your credit report contains virtually everything about you? Employers, current and former, addresses, current and former, active credit products, dormant credit products, your bill paying history, Social Security Number, date of birth, emergency contacts/next of kin, any legal items against you, any inquiries ever made by creditors or their partners (collections agencies), etc. Any creditor or prospective creditor can have a look at it - and that includes ALL of their partners.

    Tracking where you go is NOTHING.

    You walk out the door, you're fair game. I have nothing to hide. I don't have the nuclear launch codes, and the big bad government and guys in the black helicopters probably know that I don't have them. Do you? LOL

    Much ado about nothing. This stuff is benign for the average person.

    I don't care if Apple does it, or Google, or Microsloth. What exactly are they going to do with my location information? Send a black car to tail me?

    It's the *principle* of all this that's got you worried. But in *practice* there's really no affect to you. You think it's more control over your life by someone else, but it really isn't.

    Live with it.


    couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing
  • cartoon couple kissing

  • Ygn
    Nov 6, 06:51 PM
    Getting it for PS3, I haven't pre ordered it but I'll probably get it at midnight from BlockBusters.

    I always preferred W@W to MW2 so I'm hoping it's gonna be more like that. If it's more like MW2 I'll probably be like this within a day.


    LOL oh dear!

    I pre-ordered the hardened edition mainly for the map packs which come with it.

    couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing
  • cartoon couple kissing

  • JoeBlau
    Sep 18, 10:38 PM
    Blogging isn't journalism...Bloggers should be treated as they are - private citizens under no journalistic fact or ethics obligations.

    Actually that is not quite accurate as bloggers are not people.

    In any event, people need to lighten up. The self-righteousness exhibited in this forum would be quite amusing if it was not so sad. CES is one massive, pompous, over-wrought technology advertisement, and you are all crying at some schoolboy prank interrupting some guy's presentation.

    And just to re-iterate, bloggers are non-professionals hacks that should never be taken seriously in any professional media circles.


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  • colour life kiss couple

  • MrKobie
    Jan 12, 04:51 AM
    blah blah blah...

    You see, this is my point. Zero criticism. Steve Jobs s***s on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    If it's an iPod first then why's it got such ****** capacity? Why's it called the iPhone? Seriously, are you a genuine music producer that's happy to walk around with just 8 gigs worth of music?

    I don't carry around a 400 gig seagate hard drive - I carry around a 60 gig iPod because it does a great job. I don't have whatever phone you were talking about because I don't need a phone with a crappy mp3 player - I have an iPod. I'm guessing the price you quote is without a contract too.

    This thing costs so much because Jobs knows you people will buy anything he tells you to. Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?

    Revolution? Tell me when it starts.

    couple kissing wallpapers. wallpaper emo couple.
  • wallpaper emo couple.

  • Blacknblue
    Jan 10, 07:13 AM
    Steve Jobs will end his presentation with "a great communicator" ad lib
    story about a little girl who had her science project presentation absolutely
    ruined because the CD player in the classroom would NOT play the tracks she
    meticulously downloaded from the itunes store. The class gets restless and bored, turns mean and chants her to tears with the refrain: "She can't
    make it work! She can't make it work! She is such a jerk! She can't make it
    work!" He'll end with an aggresive campaign to take Amazon by storm with
    all music all platforms! He finishes with a 3D rendering of Amazons being
    routed through the jungle with gurgling quicksand swallowing them one by one. The last one holds the ipod above the sand untill it slowly sinks into
    the mire like the dinosaurs in the La Brea Tar Pits!


    couple kissing wallpapers. couple kissing in front of
  • couple kissing in front of

  • dejo
    Apr 26, 06:51 PM
    If not, then step back and learn some Objective-C basics.

    Careful. The OP doesn't like to hear that. :)

    couple kissing wallpapers. couple kissing wallpapers.
  • couple kissing wallpapers.

  • SteveKnobs
    Apr 21, 01:21 PM
    I like this feature, however I definitely think there needs to be a counter for both positive and negative votes. If the counter says "0" we have no idea how many votes that post recieved as there could be an equal number of +/- votes- which wouldn't tell us much of anything, would it?

    Edit: Or am I not understanding how the counters work?


    couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing
  • cartoon couple kissing

  • rdowns
    Apr 17, 12:12 PM
    Awesome, to make enough time for this lets just forget everything after the Great Depression because it's not like that junk matters as much as gays being persecuted. Seriously, the Holocaust and the Rape of Nanjing are totally trivial events compared to the Stonewall riots. We should totally drop coverage of the bombing of Pearl Harbor to make room for a lecture on how NAMBLA doesn't represent gays. To top it off we should ditch the civil rights movement in favor of the White Night riots!

    :rolleyes: there is no time available to teach this, if we teach this something else gets whacked. As is we get to the 1930s by the tests which go to the 1980s...

    Where do you get this stuff? :rolleyes:

    couple kissing wallpapers. couple kissing wallpapers.
  • couple kissing wallpapers.

  • tdhurst
    Jan 12, 09:08 PM
    Thats a loaded demand since you already agreed with my later statement that they need to learn how to vet online sources like they do print sources. I can list off any number of magazines or whatnot that would do such things if given the chance, though. It isn't like gizmodo invented pranking, guys.

    If given a chance? What does that mean?

    You think if Wired had done this they wouldn't have been banned?


    couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing; cartoon couple kissing. doylecook. Mar 31, 06:44 PM. quot;But as Android#39;s popularity has taken off
  • cartoon couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing; cartoon couple kissing. doylecook. Mar 31, 06:44 PM. quot;But as Android#39;s popularity has taken off

  • clintob
    Oct 11, 12:09 PM
    I'm not sure I understand the people who (a) don't believe this is coming soon, or (b) don't believe it's coming at all because "people won't use it - it's too small." That's garbage.

    Not everything Apple releases has to be an "earth shattering" revolution. Some stuff can just have a niche market and be better than what's out there. They're in it to make money first and foremost. And frankly, if people could carry an iPod-sized object, with wireless headphones, and that could play widescreen movies on a 4" or so screen (AND, oh by the way, carry their iTunes library to boot), it would be the death of the portable DVD player.

    No, that's not a huge market, or a cash cow by any means. Nor is it a revolutionary product. But at the end of the day, it's pretty damned cool which means most of us will buy it (despite our attempts not to), and it's certainly another cha-ching to add to the list for Apple.

    couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing; cartoon couple kissing. triceretops. Apr 6, 08:36 PM
  • cartoon couple kissing wallpapers. cartoon couple kissing; cartoon couple kissing. triceretops. Apr 6, 08:36 PM

  • MacRumors
    Apr 25, 11:44 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/25/photo-of-iphone-4s-with-larger-screen/)


    couple kissing wallpapers. kissing couple wallpaper.
  • kissing couple wallpaper.

  • killuminati
    Sep 9, 04:33 PM
    While we're on the topic, I also e-mailed Apple, asking them to put the "EXPLICIT" warning next to the keynote. My 11-year old son likes watching them, but he won't be seeing this one; profanity = unprofessional.

    lol, I think he can watch the keynote. Just stop if you want at the last 2 minutes when Jobs intros Kanye. And at 11 years old I'm sure your son has heard profanity before.

    Sep 12, 07:56 AM
    To be honest I don't care about the bitrate of audio tracks..

    However if they brought American TV shows onto a global release date (ie we get them the same time as they do) - THEN i'd care about the update.

    Anything else is just more clutter..

    Don't be to hopeful... most of our (US) tv is crap. I'd rather watch BBC.

    Sep 12, 12:20 AM
    More goodies, more disappointment. Woo-hoo! Bring it on.

    Apr 28, 04:27 AM
    Look, your attitude really needs some adjustment Nekbeth. I have not asked a single trick question. My questions have all been about trying to understand what it is you're trying to do and what problems you are facing. You have been less than clear this whole time.

    I think part of that problem is that you're thinking "I'm a newbie, these guys are pros, I'll probably get help but end up being laughed at". Seriously, if I want to laugh at people, I'll just head over to the news discussion. Those guys are a riot. And I'm not a pro at all. Sure I've been doing this for 15 some odd years in one form or another, but never as a job, only as a hobby.

    The programming forum is full of newbies. I was a newbie once too. We all start somewhere and it's no laughing matter. I wouldn't spend all this time trying to figure out what it is you're doing wrong if it was only to laugh at you in the end.

    Relax and try to realise we want to help you, otherwise we wouldn't be posting here. Now listen to us. We need your help too. As Pros, there are things we know that you might not, and you need to be clear and specific about your problem and what you're not understanding.

    Now I'll try to take a look at the code you posted (I just got up and I need to get to work) and see if I can dig out something if someone doesn't do it faster than me.

    Apr 27, 01:30 PM
    I am missing the argument here.... I never meant to be seen as defending "3gsiphone" or whatever that guys name is.... Because his words WERE rude and innapropriate and discriminatory. Damn right they were.

    I appreciate that, I still disagree.

    The medical and legal community still is not on your side

    My birth certificate, my medical notes, and all my documentation is noted down as female, in medical terms I'm classed as a transsexual female, that's how we're referred to in scientific papers and similarly that's how I'm classified legally, bar the transsexual part as it has no legal significance.

    There are many kinds of female/male, as I pointed out, your oversimplified view is simply not applicable to the reality we live in. Everyone has female/male aspects, picking the ones you think "count" is as I've said a few times, naive.

    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    We'll see if Macbook/Pro discounts are enough to sway me towards one :)

    In any event, it gives me an excuse to click on Apple.com tomorrow.

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